Olá, deixe-me me apresentar
Sou Andréa Gripp, moro no Rio de janeiro, Brasil, sou Terapeuta Sexual com abordagem no Tantra e sou Sexóloga Somática (Coach Sexual).
Sou graduada em Fisioterapia Pélvica e em 2014 precisei de toda a minha coragem, larguei o emprego, para começar a minha nova caminhada no Tantra.
Passei mais de anos participando de workshops e comecei a aprender todos os tipos de trabalhos corporais com professores incríveis. Foi quando pude aprofundar meu trabalho e mergulhar muito mais fundo na minha própria prática de meditação, exploração do corpo e auto-investigação. Essa profunda paz interior é a base do meu trabalho e um espelho incrível para mim e meus clientes.
Estou vivendo a vida que sempre quis. Sou apaixonada pelo que faço! Com todos os seus altos e baixos, com avanços e colapsos, cheio de amor e admiração.
My name is Dovile
I'm your new social media bestie. My mission is to help small and medium-sized businesses grow their audience and brand recognition through social media. To do that, I believe it's paramount to create a committed and genuine community that has a positive influence on people’s lives beyond the online sphere. My goal is to help you understand the power of social media and create connections that go beyond the internet.
From campaign planning and consultation to content creation and extended social media campaigning, I'm here to help your brand sound like you online.
Are you ready to...
Create content that's visually pleasing?
It's not enough to just create an account and post something. Your content needs to represents your brand and showcase your mission and values. And you want to do it in a way that stops the user in their tracks – with beautiful content.
Grow your brand and turn your audience into paying clients?
Selling online is different from traditional sales channels. But most of all, you need to gain your audience's trust if you want them to part with their dollar.
Get hold of your dream clients online?
Everybody is online, so why shouldn't you try to reach out to them? With a bigger reach than ever before, the world really is your oyster when it comes to selling online.
Invest in your brand and take your business to the next level?
Social media marketing is much more than simply posting about an upcoming sale. With the right approach, you can exponentially grow your bottom line.
My blog
I'll let you in on some trade secrets and share my top tips on how to successfully promote your brand online.
”We went from having zero online presence to dominating our niche on Google. As a technophobe I never thought we could do it, but currently social media amounts for the majority of our sales.”
Nicollas Ductorn
Director of Corporate MarketingForge Inc.